Is there still a full moon?
I'm assuming that's why my kids have been atrocious today. Between the screaming, crying, whining and every other utterly annoying and irritating I'm ready to pull out my hair. And I don't have much hair to begin with.
On a good note we got a lot accomplished for school today. We found a pattern online to print some ice cream scoops and we colored them, glued numbers to each one, and laminated them all. We did some simple addition for quite a while using them and the abacus. Kaydence is starting to recognize her numbers which is fun.
Kylie has been enjoying working on her letters and has started being able to read simple sentences like, "The fat cat ran" with help from me. She enjoys it and I just let her work on it until she is tired of it.
The kids have parents' night at Awana's tonight. The girls are in separate groups now and they've got parents night for each one so we're going to split it up and try to be there for each of the girls game times.
Jake is leaving tonight to drive truck tomorrow and I'm begging and pleading with him to please take one of them. Just one. That's all I need. Kaydence has been missing him so she seems like a good option!
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
3 months ago
Your girls are beautiful! Yes, it was a full moon on Monday, the effects may be lingering :) I like your ice-cream scoop counting idea. Isn't is encouraging when they start to read. My 5 year old is working really hard, and he is finally getting it, yeah!
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