We're finally getting over nearly two weeks of colds here! Which is good because with sick kids comes A LOT of whining, clinging, etc... I can't really blame them though, Kaydence had a pretty bad ear infection in both ears and Emeric's cough and runny nose made him equally as miserable. Thankfully he got through it ok although there are always subtle changes(at least for a while) with any illness. He did have some trouble walking a couple times and I see his skin being hot and flushed off and on(always a sign his body is stressed) but those things are pretty minor so I'm not complaining.
No huge plans this week really... We've got an IEP meeting on Thursday to discuss plans for this fall already and to go over the goals we set last May. Some Emeric has met and others he has not so it's time to make changes and update everything. He's doing really well in school and I can tell he's making progress in a lot of different areas. I'm going to push for him to be in the 3 day a week class next year even though it's typically set up for kids who will be going into kindergarten that fall. While Emeric will be 5 it's pretty unlikely that he'll go to kindergarten that year. Still I think it would be good for him to have a bit more frequent therapy and this class has both "typical" kids and kids on IEP's which will be a nice change too!
Well, I'm off to bed! We had a party for the Superbowl tonight and I'm pooped! I wore my Vikings jersey and wrapped myself in my Vikings blanket while watching! :) I don't know, I guess I just can't give up the thought that it should've been us in the Superbowl!! LOL
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
3 months ago
glad you guys are on the road to recovery! hope the IEP meeting goes well.
wow! emeric's gonna be 5?! he's getting so big!
ben was so depressed that the vikes weren't in the super bowl. he was ripping on the saints all night...!
No Erin, I meant that while he'll be 5 in late August and could go to Kindergarten that year he probably will wait until he's 6. Sorry, that sounded confusing!!
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