I see that a bunch of people have been writing "tips" on Tuesday's and dubbing their titles Tuesday Tips. So, I thought it would be appropriate to write my own list of tips. The difference is, my tips are for specific people/groups/organizations.
A tip for my son: The toilet won't flush when you've dumped the entire bathroom garbage into it.
A tip for our fired doctor: When you decide to do follow up testing and charge us $1500 please inform us BEFORE you inform us that your clinic no longer accepts our insurance.
A tip for our therapist: Instead of being 30 minutes late every single week why not just schedule our appt. for 30 minutes later?
A tip for myself: When you tell your kids they need to keep their room clean or you're bringing all their toys to the basement and then you follow through with that threat because they haven't kept their room clean make sure you're keeping your own room clean so you don't have to come up with a really lame excuse as to why you don't.
A tip for the bank teller: When a person gives you a deposit slip it really does mean they want to make a deposit.
A tip for our gov't: If you want to get out of debt than put $1,000 in your savings account and pay off your smallest debt first! Oh, and pay your taxes too!
A tip for myself: Wait until you're in a better mood to post next time.
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
3 months ago
maybe you're not in the best mood, but you put a smile on my face!! lol
oh wow... i would be in such a bad mood after all that too! i loved the tip for the government though! is that a dave ramsey tip?
Yeah I've been watching Dave Ramsey every night Erin. LOL
Great post. You made me smile :)
LOVE the tip list. Seriously, it's my favorite list of tips so far!
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