The girls had a dentist appt this morning. They haven't been to the dentist in 2 years at least! Oops! Neither had any cavities and Kaydence got over her extreme fear of any kind of doctors and like this one because they had bubble gum toothpaste.
Emeric was supposed to go but he's sick so he stayed home. Yesterday he had mild runny nose and then last night was up with a croupy cough and a fever. This morning I could tell he wasn't feeling great even though he's not doing too bad. One thing that happens when he gets sick is he has a hard time walking. He falls a lot and stumbles around. Poor guy he smashed his face on the kitchen floor from falling and ends up sitting down a lot because I think he knows he's going to fall. Hopefully it doesn't get any worse and only better. He's supposed to see the eye doctor today too and we've been waiting to see this specialist for 2 months so I'm hoping he'll be better by this afternoon!
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
3 months ago
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