Jake is gone overnight for work and it's only 9:00am and I'm bored already. I really want to decorate for Christmas but Jake would kill me if I put the tree up any earlier than the day after Thanksgiving. He really hates it up that early even but he deals with it!
The girls are going to start gymnastics soon. Well, at least I hope. They talked about taking skating lessons but I'm not so sure. I can't see either of them enjoying it(maybe I'm just not giving it a chance) and it's cold and it's on Saturday's. Gymnastics is on Thursdays, it's a warm gym where I can sit with Emeric, and they'll be so cute in their outfits. :) So we'll see. I want them to be able to do something. Everything has been so focused on Emeric for so long, well forever in their eyes, that I want something just for them. Technically in 3 months Emeric can start. They start them in a mommy and me class at 18 months. I think we'll stick with PT instead. LOL
Emeric is doing good. He isn't having seizures so the new ones he had must've been from his fever. He has an appt. Monday with the neurologist so I'll talk with her then about it. He's also having his spinal tap in the next couple of weeks and then having his tear ducts irrigated. I feel so bad for him having such a busy month of procedures. Hopefully this spinal tap will give us our answers and we won't need to go through with the muscle biopsy.
Well, I hear Emeric splashing around in the toilet so I'm off. :) Have a great day!
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
3 months ago
I think Gymnastics sounds like fun!
I say go with skating... but I am biased!
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