It's been a while since I've update my blog so I figured I better write something! :)
The kids are all doing well. We started a Bible Study at a local church last week for women. They have free nursery for Kaydence & Emeric and a Little Lamb's bible study for Kylie. Kylie really loved it, Kaydence & Emeric cried the whole time! Hopefully next week will be better! Kylie also starts Cubbies on Wednesday, which she's looking forward to, & then dance next week. She's keeping busy! She's also been asking to do "school" alot lately. Specifically "high school". LOL So we've been finding free preschool curriculum online & she loves it!
Kaydence is following right in Kylie's footsteps. She repeats everything she says and she's started acting like her in a lot of ways. Sometimes it's cute and other times it's like having TWO 4 year olds, which honestly is quite annoying!
Emeric is doing pretty good. He's been sick with something the last week & running a low grade temp. I think it may be teething, but who knows. We still haven't gotten any test results back from Mayo, which is frustrating. I'm hoping to hear something this week.
It's gotten cold the last week so we've been cooped up inside, which means I've been doing some things around the house that I've put off all summer. I have a big list of to-do's!
This weekend some friends of ours are getting married. They're actually having a "Weekend Wedding Extravaganza" at a local resort so that should be fun!
Jake has been keeping busy with construction, mowing lawns, & playing guitar. Hopefully he'll be able to find enough work this winter. That's always the problem with construction!
Well, that's the extent of my update. Unless you want to hear about the other members of our family which include our cat & fish. Maybe, another time! :)
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
3 months ago
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