What happened this year?
1. Jake got a new job working as a fuel truck driver in April. This was a VERY welcome change as we did not feel like truck driving was good for our family. Of course you do what you have to do at the time but we were very grateful when a job opportunity came up and Jake was hired! He now works a set amount of hours a week, we know when he's getting paid, and he's home every night for dinner. I couldn't ask for anything better!
2. I counseled at our church's summer camp in June for a week! It was the first time I had ever left my kids that long and surprisingly I did really well! I made a point to be very present at camp and to try to just enjoy myself. I knew the week wouldn't be any fun for me if I focused on missing my kids so I didn't and it was a great week! I stretched myself in a lot of ways and I enjoyed all the girls in my cabin as well as all the other kids at camp! I heard so many stories from the campers that were heartbreaking. Stories of abuse, drugs, alcohol, pornography, broken families, etc... Teenagers continue to be faced with all of these things at a much higher rate than I think even I was 10 years ago! And definitely at a much younger age!
3. I directed VBS! This is something I would never have thought I wanted to do or could do, as I'm the epitome of disorganized, but i did it! I had help from my great friend Karri and another lady at our church and together we pulled it off! It was a great week and I really enjoyed it!
4. Kylie turned 6, Emeric turned 3, Kaydence turned 5!
5. Kylie started 1st grade at public school. Over the summer I really struggled a lot with whether or not to homeschool Kylie again. In the end we decided to send her and she's doing great!
6. We made 2 trips to Houston, TX to see Emeric's Mitochondrial Disease specialist. He was officially diagnosed with a Primary Mitochondrial Disease. He was started on a new medication for seizures, he was diagnosed with migraines, and started school! He goes 2 days a week for 2 hours to a special ed class and receives all of his therapy right at school! He does still receive private OT and private speech therapy as well which his nurse takes him to on Monday's.
7. I set a goal at the beginning of the year to start exercising and I ended up running my first 1/2 marathon(13.1 miles!) this fall! It was such an accomplishment and I plan on running another one in 2010!
8. We finished our entire basement so that Jake's sister(who is going to college nearby to finish college) and her husband could live in it for 2 years!
9. I went to a Beth Moore conference!
I must live a pretty boring life to only have 9 things to list! Ha ha!
Oh well, I guess it was 2009. Maybe next year I'll have 10 things!
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
3 months ago
I think 9 things seems appropriate lol
Glad you had a good year :)
I'm positive that your life can't be boring with 3 kids. :) Hope you have a wonderful 2010! :)
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