We got home today from a weekend away. Jake's friend got married in Wisconsin so we made the 7 hour drive on Friday by ourselves(left the kids with Jake's parents) and spent a couple days there. Jake was a groomsmen and for the groom's dinner on Saturday we took a huge houseboat out on the Mississippi River and had dinner there. It was sooooo pretty and I'm kicking myself for not bringing my camera! My friend did take some pictures so I'll have to get them from her and share them. We had a lot of fun and we haven't been away together for a weekend ever that we could remember.
Running is going well. I'm off schedule by a day now because of the wedding. Last week I ran 13 miles and it should increase by about a mile each week. Jake is running too and I'm a bit envious because he's pretty fast already! I'm not really looking to be competitive time wise, I just want to finish.
Looks like July and August are going to be really busy months for us. I'm directing Bible School with my friend Karri and there's a ton of planning to be done. Bible school is in 2 weeks!!
In August Emeric has an appt. with a specialist in Duluth and then his Stroll for Epilepsy is August 13th. On the 14th-15th I'm going with a group to see Beth Moore who will be in Fargo and then heading straight over to our church family campout the same weekend. August 21st is Emeric's 3rd birthday and then August 25th I leave for Houston for an appt. with Emeric's doctor.
I've been emailing with Emeric's doctor and she strongly believes my family history points to a mitochondrial disorder. She is running a blood test on Emeric that will check for every possible Mitochondrial DNA mutation known. She thinks I should have the same test done to compare results because your mitochondrial dna are passed on only from the mother so if Emeric has some variant of a gene or mutation that I don't have that would tell us that the mutation is what is causing his health issues. So... I'm hoping my insurance will pay for me to have the test done since it's for family history purposes and not really because I'm showing symptoms.
Kylie is getting nervous about school already. Poor girl. I'm nervous too. I'm still not at peace with our decision to send her to public school so I'm hoping that things either go very well or terrible and then we'd know right away if we made the right decision! :) I am willing to homeschool her if she doesn't do well in public school and I want my kids to always have either option. Let's hope she likes it though! :)
Jake's sister and brother in law are moving in with us for 2 years. They're going to live in our basement while his sister gets her master's degree at a college nearby. We're hoping it will work out to switch out from nursing care to having a Personal Care Attendant and then Jake's sister would be able to have a job working with Emeric.
Well, enough updates for one night, I'm off to bed!!
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
3 months ago
Thanks for the update, good to hear about you and your family. =) Aw, I hope Kylie doesn't get too nervous! I got nervous for her just reading it, lol.
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