I want to ask anyone that's reading this blog today to please say a prayer for my friend Lesley. I've talked about her before and there's a link to her blog if you want to read it. She's continually in need of prayer. Especially during the season of Christmas. It's not even imagineable to me what she's going through. I try to imagine it, try to feel just a glimpse of what she might be feeling, and it hurts. So, if it hurts for me just to imagine it I cannot even begin to guess how much it hurts for her going through it. The loss of a child is something I can't grasp and yet I try because I love Lesley and I want to carry her burden for her. I wish I could carry it all, just for one day, to take off some of the weight but I know I can't. So, I'm left with the only thing I CAN do and that is pray. Sometimes that doesn't feel like enough but I believe it is.
Gretta will never be forgotten. I have to wonder if that's a great fear among people that have lost children. That everyone else moves on when they feel like they can't. And I suppose it's true that we all move on but we never forget.
I only had the privilege of meeting Gretta once. I didn't live close and didn't get to see Lesley often but I've known her for 18 years. Her younger sister Angie and I were best friends growing up and when we were younger Angie would talk about Lesley in such a way that you knew how much she looked up to her. And because of that I started to look up to her too. As I got older and Lesley moved back I always loved talking to her because she always had such great words of wisdom. She would talk to you honestly. She'd be real with you and I loved that about her. I think of her as a sister because I practically grew up with her family. My dad wasn't around and before my mom got remarried Angie and Lesley's dad was the only man really in my life. He teased me a lot when I was around but I always felt like he loved me and even still there's just something special to me about him.
So the grief that this family has gone through and is still going through is always heavily on my heart. I ask that everyone would please lift Lesley, her husband Matt, their children Jordan, Mason, and Russell and up in their prayers. It doesn't matter if you don't know them because God does and knowing them or not knowing them makes no difference to God.

That poor family, I'll be praying for them...
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