We got picked up in our limo bright and early Monday morning and took a 3 hour flight to Orlando! The kids did really well on the plane in spite of the fact that we really didn't pack them much to do! Oops. The airline let us board first and the pilot announced that he was dedicating the flight to us and everyone clapped! :)
One of the first things we saw when we arrived in Florida was this lizard. I love lizards and tried all week to catch one but they are super fast! Kaydence was scared of them so she wasn't nearly as thrilled!After we picked up our van we headed right to Give Kids the World where we checked in and were told to head off to eat lunch. We went to Katie's Kitchen which is a restaurant at the village that serves both lunch and dinner everyday. The kids couldn't believe everything was free! :) Shortly after lunch we got checked in and then it was off to explore the village!
We had our own private villa and they'd stocked the refrigerator with pop, chocolate cake, and left presents for the kids on the kitchen table! We all changed into shorts right away and decided to see what all the village had to offer.
The girls(and Jake) made their way to the Ice Cream Palace right away which serves ice cream, sundaes, banana splits, and shakes everyday from 7am-9pm. That would be the first of MANY daily visits to get ice cream.
I really don't even know how to describe how awesome Give Kids the World is. It's such a magical place and they really think of everything possible to make your stay wonderful and help you forget real life. The doctors, therapies, appt's, prognosis, everything. I think I spent less than 5 minutes all week thinking about anything other than what we were doing then and there. And that's how they intend it!
After exploring the village I headed to the orientation center where they give you all your tickets and tell you about the village. Jake took the kids to the theater where they had an activity going on. I don't know what it was but I know it involved whipped cream pies flying!
We put the kids to bed early since we'd had such a long day and then we ordered pizza! The village offers free pizza after 7:30pm so we took advantage of that often! Overall the day was tiring but good. The warm weather and sunshine along with the flowers and green grass were enough in and of themselves to see!
Stay tuned for day 3! :)
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
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